Triumph RS
Perry skiing
Chigaco city scape


Be genuine. Take chances. Do something.

I love to travel, and explore new places.  Natural environments and city scapes are equally interesting to me. - London, UK After learning how to ride, I wanted a bike that really fit my personality.  The Triumph RS was my pick.  It is certainly a track-capable machine, but I liked the naked appearance, the LCD dash, and the performance. Canyonlands NP is a great place to spend several days.  This particular hike was to Druids Arch.  It took most of the day to complete. - Canyonlands NP, UT
I like making things.  This desk was a project brought on by my disgust of flimsy desks.  I made the top from wood products from the local Lowe's store, put glass on top, and had the metal legs fabricated at a local machine shop from a drawing I made.  This table weighs approximately 10,127 pounds and is not flimsy. Exploring is always a welcome activity in my life.  When I first met Paul, we watched the movie Contact and I asked if the huge dishes were real.  Paul explained that they were and where - the Very Large Array in Soccoro, NM.  I arranged a trip a few weeks later to go visit. Impressive and fascinating. - VLA, Soccoro, NM A favorite activity is exploring large cities.  I suppose its just urban hiking.  There's so much variety in our cities, and each has its own unique feel. - Chicago, IL
Paul and I picked up scuba diving together.  In the past ten years or so, we've completed over 100 dives at dozens of different locations.  Even after all these dives, it still feels like diving is a really unique endeavor. - Bonaire Island I haven't done a lot of backpacking, but when my friend Jeremy asked me to go along, I eagerly accepted.  It was only a couple of days, but sleeping at 12k feet was worth it. - Holy Cross National Wilderness Area, CO I've been skiing for many years now, but in recent years, I'm on the slopes over 20 days in a typical season.  The extensive slope time has allowed me to get good at one of my favorite features, mogals. - Copper Mountain, CO
The hike I did to Druids Arch included some unexpected climbing. - Canyonlands NP, UT On occasion, we get to see human created structures in the ocean and how they've become part of the environment.  An obvious example is a sunken ship.  In this case, I was under the Salt Pier in Bonaire.  It's very large and looks like an underwater cathederal when you get far enough away to see all of it. - Bonaire Island I took the Motorcyle Safety Foundation rider course to learn to ride.  They provided the parking lot and a POS motorcycle to practice on.  When I finished, Paul let me have is VFR800 to ride.  I rode this bike for the remainder of the season until I bought my Triumph the following year.